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Curd rice

Curd rice
Recipe type: easyrecipes spl
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 3
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Curd rice or Yogurt rice is a simple delicacy made in South India. Cooked rice is combined with curd or yoghurt and then seasoned with chilly, curry leaves, ginger, urad dal, mustard seeds, Channa dal and hing.
  • Green Chillies 1 Numbers
  • Ginger 1 Piece
  • Salt 1 To Taste
  • Urad Dal 1 Teaspoons
  • Curds 300 ml
  • Mustard Seeds 1 Pinch
  • Rice 200 Grams
  • Curry Leaves 1 Springs
  • Oil Or Ghee 1 Tablespoons
  • Sour Cream Or Fresh Cream 1 Cup
  • Hing 1 Pinch
  • Chopped Coriander Leaves 1 Pinch
  1. Boil rice, adding salt. cool slightly.
  2. mix with curds
  3. chop green chillies and ginger fine.
  4. Heat oil. fry mustard seeds urad dal cumin and asafoetida.
  5. add curry leaves and chopped ingredients. saute for 2 minutes
  6. Switch off the fire and add the rice curds mixture to the pan
  7. mix well. serve with with pickles.
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