Home >> Kids >> Bulgur Wheat Porridge ( Baby and Toddler Recipe)

Bulgur Wheat Porridge ( Baby and Toddler Recipe)

Bulgur Wheat Porridge ( Baby and Toddler Recipe)
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Indian
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This wholesome and satisfactory porridge is good for your baby now that she is growing rapidly and her appetite is also increasing. It will keep her satisfied for a couple of hours. It is a very good source of important nutrients like energy, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamin a and iron. Dates are used to sweeten this porridge as they provide iron and fibre in substantial quantities.
  • 1 tbsp broken wheat (dalia)
  • 2 dates (khajur) , deseeded
  • ¾ cup milk
  1. Pressure cook the bulgur wheat and dates with ½ cup of water for 3 whistles. Cool.
  2. Liquidise the cooked bulgur wheat and dates with ½ cup of milk in a blender till it is smooth in texture.
  3. Transfer this into a pan and add ¼ cup of water and the remaining ¼ cup of milk and mix well.
  4. Bring to a boil, stirring continuously so that no lumps remain. Serve lukewarm.
Occasionally, you use 1 tablespoon of whole bajra (black millet) as a substitute for 1 tablespoon of bulgur wheat.
You can also add 1 tablespoon of whole jowar (white millet) instead of the bulgur wheat.
A combination of cereals like ½ tablespoon of whole jowar (white millet) and ½ tablespoon of whole ragi (nachni) will also be a good alternative.
You can also experiment with other combinations like jowar, bajra, ragi etc.
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