Boondhi Raita Recipe

Learn how to make Boondhi Raita recipe at home. Popular raita to go with rothi If you find this Boondhi Raita recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Boondhi Raita recipe, so that any one can make this Boondhi Raita very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- 100gms Gram flour .
- 1 tsp Red chili powder.
- 750 gms Curd
- Oil For deep frying
- Salt To taste
- Making Boondhi:Prepare batter by mixing gram flour and salt with water. Make sure that batter thick. Heat oil, pour the batter through a thick sieve and when slightly colored and crisp. Remove and keep aside and allow it to cool.
- Raita
- Blenad/Beat Curd to make it smooth.
- Mix Salt, boondhi and add some chiili powder on top.