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Healthy Sweet Potato Chaat

Healthy Sweet Potato Chaat
Recipe type: Appetiser
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
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Sweet potatoes, though called potatoes, are only a distant relative of regular potatoes. They are commonly marketed as “yams” in North America to differentiate them from the firmer white potato even though they belong to a completely different family than the actual “yam” (native to Africa and Asia). When compared to other vegetables in terms of fiber and nutrition, the sweet potato ranked highest in complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, beta carotene (a vitamin A equivalent nutrient), vitamin C, and vitamin B6. With that said, take the sweet potato to a flavor high point with the super easy and healthy Sweet Potato Chaat recipe. Serve it as an appetizer or a side salad — the perfect Indian spin on nature’s perfect vegetable.
  • Sweet Potatoes – 3 medium (boiled, peeled and chopped)
  • Cucumber – 1 (peeled and chopped)
  • Clementine Oranges (or any favorite variety) – same amount as cucumber, chopped segments
  • Salt – to taste
  • Red Chili Powder – to taste
  • Chaat Masala – to taste
  • Lemon/Lime Juice – to taste
  • Chopped Almonds/Walnuts – ¼ cup
  • Dried Cranberries – handful or to taste
  • Mint Leaves – handful – chopped
  1. Be sure to chop Sweet Potatoes, Cucumber and Oranges into same sized pieces.
  2. Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl and mix well.
  3. Serve immediately.
  4. If serving later, add lemon/lime just before serving so the chaat does not dry out
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