Salad with chole chana Recipe

Learn how to make Salad with chole chana recipe at home. Salad with Kabuli chana If you find this Salad with chole chana recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Salad with chole chana recipe, so that any one can make this Salad with chole chana very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- 2 cup big channa (boiled)
- 2 potatoes
- ⅛ kg paneer (cottage cheese)
- 3 firm tomatoes
- 1 onion
- 2 green chillies
- 1 bunch coriander leaves
- Sal to taste
- 1 tsp chaat masala
- ½ tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp Lemon juice
- Boil the potatoes cut them into small cubes.
- Filnely chop, tomatoes, green chillies and onions.
- Cut paner into small cubes.
- Take a large salad bowl and mix together the boiled channa, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, paneer and green chillies. Add salt, Black pepper, chaat masala and lemon juice. Add finely chopped coriander leaves. Mix the whole salad together and keep it in refrigerator l for a 1 hour. Serve Chilled.