Spinach Chutney

EasyRecipes .
Recipe type: Pickles
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
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Spinach chutney is exceptionally an exotic and flavorful side-dish or accompaniment made combining power-packed spinach, flavored with little mint leaves, garlic, spiced with green chillies and cooked with tomatoes and tamarind which enhances the taste with its tangy and slightly sour savor. Sesame seeds add a nutty and crunchy taste to the chutney. This awesome and yummy chutney can be eaten with any type of Indian flat breads or rice.
- Spinach, chopped 4 Bunch
- Oil 2 Tablespoons
- Coriander seeds 1 Teaspoons
- Sesame seeds 1 Tablespoons
- Garlic 6-8 Clove
- Green chillies, cut 6-8 Numbers
- Salt 1 0
- Tamarind 5 Grams
- Mint leaves 1 Bunch
- Tomato, chopped 1-2 Numbers
- Water ½ Cup
- Heat some oil in a pan and add some coriander seeds, sesame seeds, when they get slightly roasted, add few garlic cloves. Add chopped spinach leaves and mix well. Cook this until the moisture is gone. Add green chillies, salt and mix well. Add few pieces of tamarind and allow the spinach to cook well. Add few mint leaves, tomato pieces and little water. Allow the tomatoes to cook and then put this mixture in the blender and make coarse paste. Temper the chutney with little mustard seeds, red chillies, urad dal etc. Serve with rice or any type of flat Indian breads.