Home >> Salads >> Apple and Lettuce Salad with Melon Dressing ( Iron Rich Recipe )

Apple and Lettuce Salad with Melon Dressing ( Iron Rich Recipe )

Apple and Lettuce Salad with Melon Dressing ( Iron Rich Recipe )
Recipe type: salads
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
Prep time:
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The best way to replenish our body’s water and electrolyte needs is through fresh servings of fruits and vegetables. This recipe calls for a wide assortment of fruits and vegetables tossed together in a refreshing musk melon dressing. Very healthy, extremely enjoyable!
  • To Be Blended Together In A Dressing
  • ½ cup muskmelon (kharbooja) purée
  • ½ tsp roasted cumin seeds (jeera) , crushed
  • 3 tbsp chopped coriander (dhania)
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper powder to taste
  • Other Ingredients
  • 1 cup torn lettuce
  • ½ cup shredded cabbage
  • ¼ cup thickly grated carrot
  • ¼ cup capsicum (red and yellow) cubes
  • ½ cup chopped apples
  • ½ tsp lemon juice
  • ½ cup bean sprouts
  • 2 tbsp chopped grapes
  • 1 tbsp chopped spring onion greens
  • salt to taste
  1. Put the lettuce, cabbage, carrots and capsicum in ice-cold water for 30 minutes. This will make them crisp.
  2. Drain, wrap in a muslin cloth and refrigerate till ready to use.
  3. Toss the apples in lemon juice and refrigerate till ready to use.
  4. Combine the lettuce, cabbage, carrots, capsicum, apples, bean sprouts, grapes, spring onion greens and salt together in a bowl and mix gently.
  5. Just before serving, add the dressing and toss well.
  6. Serve immediately.
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