Breakfast Platter

A great start to any breakfast. This combination of almonds, walnuts, black currants, dates, amla and tulsi is a great start for your breakfast as it enhances the reserves of proteins, fatty acids, vitamin C etc in your body. You are thus rejuvenated and pepped up to start your day. This platter is a must for both the young and the old as it not only helps build immunity and resistance to ailments, but also inhibits its progression. Here's sharing the benefits of each ingredient of this platter in detail.
- Soaked Almond - Almonds provide some essential fatty acids, which are not produced in our body, along with proteins. They are also well proven as memory enhancers and hence are apt for people of all age groups.
- Soaked Walnut - Walnuts, a good source of magnesium and certain essential amino acids, have been recently proven to keep the lining of the heart in good health and thus help in maintaining its healthy functioning.
- to 3 Black Currants and 1 Black Date - Black currants along with dates prevents constipation and stomach upsets and indirectly also have a hand in glowing complexion as they help ward of pimples formed as a result of indigestion.
- Amla - Amla has been ranked as one of the top rankers among the fruits. 1 amla a day is enough to fulfill your whole day's requirement for vitamin C which helps to build up your immunity and fight against diseases.
- Tulsi Leaves - Tulsi leaves when consumed everyday help to fight against the odds of viruses and bacteria and prevent the onset of common ailments like cough, cold, sore throat etc.