Goduma Attu Recipe

Learn how to make Goduma Attu recipe at home. Goduma Attu is the recipe which we can prepare instant. This is will be not only tasty and but also looks delicious. The detail making processes of this Goduma Attu is mentioned below in brief. If you find this Goduma Attu recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Goduma Attu recipe, so that any one can make this Goduma Attu very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- Goduma pindi – 1 cup
- Senaga pindi – 2 spoons
- Jeelakarra – 2 spoons
- Salt to taste
- Oil - 2 spoons
- Take a bowl and mix Jeelakarra, salt Goduma and Senaga pindi with water.
- This should be just like a thin liquid.
- Heat the non stick pan and rub with horizontally sliced onion.
- Make dosa with the above made liquid.
- Add oil on it and roast it, turn the dosa reverse when it is cooked once.
- Goduma Attu is ready to taste serve this hot along with chutnies or pickles or curry.