Jonna Rotte Recipe

Learn how to make Jonna Rotte recipe at home. Jonna Rotte is a popular traditional ancient andhra recipe which is healthy and tasty. This recipe is given more priority during festival seasons. The complete preparation of Jonna Rotte is mentioned here in detail. If you find this Jonna Rotte recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Jonna Rotte recipe, so that any one can make this Jonna Rotte very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- Jonna pindi – 2 cups
- Boiled water
- Salt for taste
- Nuvvulu (Sesame seeds) - 3 spoons
- Take a bowl and add Jonna pindi, nuvvulu (optional) and salt. Mix them evenly.
- Now add half cup boiled water and half cup cool water and make a though roti dough.
- Add water if you feel necessary.
- Make balls with the dough and expand the dough with hand by adding Jonna pindi for not sticking.
- See that there should not be any cracks.
- Now put this on hot pennam, dip a cloth in water and rub it on one side and turn the roti to roast the other side.
- Hot Jonna Rotte is ready to taste. Enjoy this with Curries or pappu or chutnies.