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Hyderabad Sweet Lassi

Hyderabad Sweet Lassi
Recipe type: Drinks
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 2
Prep time:
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Yoghurt whisked with adding water and few spices makes a good lassi. Hyderabadi sweet lassi is special lassi adding flavoring of Roohafza.Hyderabadi sweet lassi is a special drink from the streets of Hyderabad. Its very popular drink had mostly during ramzan season and summers. It’s a special lassi adding flavoring of Roohafza. Rooh Afza is a concentrated drink. Roohafza is a rose flavored drink that contains extracts from different plants and fruits. It has a complex flavor.
  • Roohafza as needed
  • Water as needed
  • Sugar as needed
  • Curd 2 Cup
  1. Take curd in a bowl wisk the curd then add sugar,water as needed mix well.Pour in a glass and add roohafza to it and serve.
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