Keera Dosakaya Juice Recipe

Learn how to make Keera Dosakaya Juice recipe at home. Keera Dosakaya Juice will help you a lot in summer season. People who don’t eat raw Dosakaya can enjoy this in the form of Keera Dosakaya Juice. The preparation of this Keera Dosakaya Juice is given below. If you find this Keera Dosakaya Juice recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Keera Dosakaya Juice recipe, so that any one can make this Keera Dosakaya Juice very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- Dosakaya pealed and chopped - 1 cups
- Fresh mint leaves– required
- Ginger – small piece
- Lemon juice – 3 to 4 drops
- Sugar
- Curd
- Add Dosakaya pealed and chopped pieces, mint leaves and Ginger in the juicer and make juice.
- Stain the juice and add ice pieces.
- Blend the curd with sugar and add this to the stained juice.
- Add Lemon juice drops before you serve.