Pala Boondhi

EasyRecipes .
Recipe type: sweets
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
Prep time:
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Learn how to make Pala Boondhi recipe at home. A tasty traditional sweet If you find this Pala Boondhi recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Pala Boondhi recipe, so that any one can make this Pala Boondhi very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- ½ litre milk
- 11/2 teaglass sugar
- 11/4 sugar
- dryfriuts
- /2 litre milk, should heat thourgly by adding 11/2 tea glass sugar.make milk very concentrated.
- Then take 1 tea glass of atta,mix it with water (as u do for boondhi).
- Just put atta mix like a boondhi (using jalligantee)into the concentrated milk with low flame(sim) for 5-10min....
- Add dry fruits accordingly(fry dry fruits in the ghee(11/2 spoon ghee)) make it to room temperature and serve. keep it in freeze