Home >> Kids >> Fruity rocket ships

Fruity rocket ships

Fruity rocket ships
Recipe type: Snacks
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
Prep time:
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Blast off with these fruity rocket ships that will appeal to the young and young-at-heart.
  • 1.5cm-thick slice of seedless watermelon, peeled
  • 2 strawberries, washed, hulled
  • 1 small banana,peeled
  • 1.5cm-thick slice of pineapple, peeled cored
  1. Cut watermelon into 4 small triangles. Trim one corner from each triangle. Thread watermelon triangles, long-side down, onto small wooden skewers. Cut strawberries in half lengthways. Thread, hulled-side down, onto the skewers. Cut banana in half crossways, then cut each piece in half lengthways. Thread onto the skewers. Cut pineapple into 4 small triangles. Thread onto the skewers to make the top of each rocket ship.
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