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Bread Loaf

Bread Loaf
Recipe type: Snacks
Cuisine: Indian
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A quick method of bread making for the busy housewife.
  • 500 gms plain flour (maida)
  • 30 gms fresh yeast or 15 grams dry yeast
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp ghee or margarine or butter
  • 1 tsp level salt
  1. Sieve the flour.
  2. Mix the sugar and yeast in 1 teacup of warm water and keep aside for 2 minutes.
  3. Dissolve the salt in ½ teacup of warm water.
  4. Add both the liquids to the flour and make a soft dough. If required, add a little more warm water.
  5. Knead the dough for at least 6 minutes.
  6. Add the ghee, mix well and cover with a wet cloth for 25 minutes or until the dough is double in size.
  7. Knead again until the dough comes back to its original size.
  8. Cover with a wet cloth and keep for 20 minutes.
  9. Knead again until the dough comes back to its original size.
  10. Shape into bred loaves.
  11. Place in 2 greased loaf tins. Cover with a wet cloth and leave for 15 minutes or until double in size again.
  12. Bake in hot oven at 450°F for 10 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 400°F and bake for a further 15 to 20 minutes.
  13. Remove from the tin and brush on top with ghee.
  14. Slice after 2 hours.
How to use dry yeast
Put the dry yeast with the sugar in a cup of warm water, stir and add a pinch of flour .
Cover and leave for 10 minutes. When the surface is full of froth, the yeast is ready to use. Then, follow the same method as for fresh yeast.
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