Home >> Snacks >> Samosa Chaat

Samosa Chaat

Samosa Chaat
Recipe type: Snacks
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
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Chaat is a popular Indian savory snack available in several variations. It is spicy, tangy and sweet and a popular street food in India.Samosa Chaat is served by adding a plate full of peas or chole masala, mashed samosa with freshly cut veggie toppings and a dash of lemon goodness.
  • Channa Masala as needed
  • Coriander Powder as needed
  • CUMIN POWDER as needed
  • Salt as needed
  • Tomatos 1 Numbers
  • Butter 1 Tablespoons
  • Onion Chopped as needed
  • Chat Masala as needed
  • Red Chilli Powder as needed
  • Samosa 2 Numbers
  • White Peas 1 Cup
  • Water as needed
  • Curd as needed
  • Green Chutney as needed
  • Sweet Chutney as needed
  • Coriander Leaves 1 Bunch
  1. Boil White peas and keep a side.Take a pan add butter, peas,onions, tomatoes chopped cook till both are soft then add salt,red chilli, cumin,coriander, chat masala, channa masala, if required water mix well.
  2. Now add somosas mash little bit cook for 3 min then add green chutney, green chutney mix well.
  3. Trasfer into a plate and top it of with onions, tomatoes, sweet chutney,green chutney, curd, coriander leaves.
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