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Sweet Corn Bullets Recipe

Sweet Corn Bullets Recipe
Recipe type: Snacks
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
Prep time:
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Learn how to make Sweet Corn Bullets recipe at home. Sweet Corn Bullets is the snack recipe, which is very tasty. This recipe can prepare in a mean time in an easy manner. It will be liked by the children most. If you find this Sweet Corn Bullets recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Sweet Corn Bullets recipe, so that any one can make this Sweet Corn Bullets very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
  • Sweet Corn (Boiled) – 1 cup
  • Corn Seeds (Mokka Jonna) – ½ cup
  • Boiled Potatoes – 4
  • Corn Flour – 2 table spoons
  • Bread Slices – 4
  • Garlic Cloves – 6
  • Ginger – small piece
  • Green Chillies – 4
  • Amchur Powder – ½ spoon
  • Sugar – ½ spoon
  • Black Salt – ½ spoon
  • Pepper Powder – ½ spoon
  • Mirchi Powder – ¼ spoon
  • Grated Coriander – ½ cup
  • Salt – to taste
  • Oil
  1. Mix boiled potatoes, corn seeds and boiled sweet corns in a bowl and keep it a side.
  2. Make fine paste of garlic cloves, ginger and green chillies by grinding it.
  3. Add this paste to the above sweet corn mixture.
  4. Now add corn flour, bread slices, amchur powder, sugar, black salt, pepper powder, mirchi powder, salt, grated coriander and mix it well.
  5. Take the above mixture and make it in to a bullet shaped pieces.
  6. Heat the oil in a bowl and fry those bullets in it until it turns into a brown color.
  7. Take them into a serving plate and have these tasty Sweet Corn Bullets with sauce.
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