Carrot Halwa Recipe

Learn how to make Carrot Halwa recipe at home. If you find this Carrot Halwa recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Carrot Halwa recipe, so that any one can make this Carrot Halwa very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- Carrots – 3
- Milk powder – 1 cup
- Milk – 2 cups
- Ghee – 3 tsp
- Cashew nuts – 10 pcs
- Baadam pappu (Almonds) – 5
- Cleanly wash the carrots and grate them.
- Now heat ghee in a pan and fry the grated carrot.
- Add milk to the carrot and cook them for few seconds on low flame.
- Mix milk powder, when the milk starts boiling.
- Meanwhile in a separate pan, fry almonds and cashew nuts by adding ghee.
- Mix the fried nuts with the boiling mixture.
- Finally apply ghee to a wide bowl and put the Halwa in it.
- Garnish the Carrot Halwa with nuts. This mouth watering Halwa Recipe can be served hot or cool. This can be preserved for 3 to 4 days if refrigerated.