Putarekulu Recipe

Learn how to make Putarekulu recipe at home. Typical andhra delicacy,sweet & yummy. If you find this Putarekulu recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Putarekulu recipe, so that any one can make this Putarekulu very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- Sugar(powdered)
- Filo dough
- melted butter.
- Grind the sugar to very fine powder.keep aside.
- This Filo dough sheets, these are too delicate and hence need to be handled carefully.
- Filo dough sheets: Prepare a watery paste with rice flour powder by adding water.
- Take a clay pot and spread thin layer sheets of rice flour liquid.
- When they get dried you can take the sheet out.
- Once it comes to room temperature,separate each sheet & spread on work surface.
- Brush melted butter on the sheet,cut each sheet into 4 inch wide , long strips.
- Spinkle the powdered sugar on this strip & roll it carefully to form the shape of putareku.
- keep it aside for some time, till it gets a bit crispy.......but if u cant resist , you can go for it.