Palli Karam Podi Recipe

Learn how to make Palli Karam Podi recipe at home. Ground nuts / pallilu are a kind of pulses that is having great content of oil. More over Palli Karam Podi is a traditional Andhra dish which has great demand in India. Preparation of Palli Karam Podi is given below. If you find this Palli Karam Podi recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Palli Karam Podi recipe, so that any one can make this Palli Karam Podi very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- Ground nuts / pallilu – 1 cup
- Dry coconut pieces – 2 to 3
- Red chilies – 4 to 5
- Garlic cloves – 3 to 4
- Salt – for taste
- Take a pan without adding oil heat it.
- Add Ground nuts / pallilu into it and fry for few minutes till they become bit roasted.
- Remove them keep it aside, add Red chilies in the same pan and fry them and remove it.
- In a mixie put Dry coconut pieces and grind it into smooth powder.
- Now add fried Ground nuts Red chilies salt and Garlic cloves.
- Grind this mixture into smooth powder.
- Store this powder in a air tight container.