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Barvan Dum Aloo

Barvan Dum Aloo
Recipe type: Curries
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
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Barvan dum aloo is an exotic north Indian dish. An amazing dish made of a mixture of dry fruits using the cashew nuts and raisins, spices and fried trimmings of the scooped potatoes stuffed in the fried potato shells and cooked in spicy silky gravy
  • Cream (optional) 1 Numbers
  • Kastoori Methi Pdr 1 Tablespoons
  • Coriander Pdr 1 Tablespoons
  • Garam Masala ½ Teaspoons
  • Cumin Pdr 1 Teaspoons
  • Turmeric pinch
  • Chilli Pdr as per taste
  • Chat Masala 1 Pinch
  • Raisins 10 Grams
  • Cashewnuts 30 Grams
  • Oil 1 To Fry
  • Poatatoes 4 Numbers
  • Ginger Garlic Paste 1 Teaspoons
  • Chopped Gr Chilli 2 Numbers
  • Onion 2
  • Tomatoes 3
  1. scoop out poatoes and fry them also fry the trimmings left from scooping ,mash up trimmings add cashew , raisins,cumin pd,coriander pdr,chat masala,chilli pdr,coriander leaves,chopped gr chillies,salt,and stuff it back into the potato shells ,
  2. if you are making it for kids add some cheese heat oil in a pan, add whole gar am Marsala,cumin,onions and fry till golden brown
  3. add turmeric and ginger garlic paste add cumin pdr coriander pdrchilli pdr ,little water and cook for few min add cashew and tomato paste and cook on slow flame till oil ozzes out add water and cook covered till sauce is nice silky add potatoes and simmer for few more minutes,add kasturimethi pdr , coriander leaves and finish of with cream(optional).
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