Dondakaya Bajji Curry Recipe

EasyRecipes .
Recipe type: Curries
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
Prep time:
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Total time:
Learn how to make Dondakaya Bajji Curry recipe at home. We can also prepare Curry with Dondakaya Bajji and we call this as Dondakaya Bajji Curry. This Dondakaya Bajji Curry is a tasty recipe. The process of preparing this Dondakaya Bajji Curry is given below in brief. If you find this Dondakaya Bajji Curry recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Dondakaya Bajji Curry recipe, so that any one can make this Dondakaya Bajji Curry very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- Dondakaya – ¼ kg
- Onion chopped – 1 cup
- Besan powder – 1 cup
- Baking soda – ½ spoons
- Salt As Required
- Coriander leaves – ½ cup
- Chat Masala – 1 spoon
- Lemon juice – 2 spoons
- Peanuts – 1 cup
- Red Chilli Powder – 1 spoon
- Make a fine bajji paste with Besan powder, Baking soda, water and 1 spoon of oil.
- Heat the oil in a pan to fry the bajji.
- Slice the Dondakaya into two vertically and dip into bajji paste and drop into the oil.
- Bajji is ready now, cut each bajji into 3 vertical pieces.
- In a pan add 2 spoons of oil and heat it. Add Onion chopped and fry them.
- Now add Chat Masala, Red Chilli Powder, Salt and Peanuts and mix them well.
- Finally add pieces of bajji and Lemon juice. Mix this well, now Dondakaya Bajji Curry is ready to taste.