Nuvvula Undrallu Recipe

Learn how to make Nuvvula Undrallu recipe at home. Nuvvula Undrallu is the tasty sweet recipe, which almost like by all the people. Mostly this sweet will be prefer to have on festivals. If you find this Nuvvula Undrallu recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Nuvvula Undrallu recipe, so that any one can make this Nuvvula Undrallu very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- Rice Powder - 1 cup
- Jaggery – 1 cup
- Nuvvula Powder - ½ cup
- Elachi Powder - ½ spoon
- Milk - ½ cup
- Take some water in a bowl and boil it by adding a pinch of salt.
- Then add half of the rice powder and stir it until it gets boiled.
- Keep this mixture a side, take 2 ½ cups of water in another bowl and boil it by adding jaggery, salt, elachi Powder.
- Add remaining rice powder in the form of liquid by adding some water in it.
- Now take the first mixture and make it in a fine round shaped laddu's.
- Add these laddu's and milk in the second mixture, after it gets boiled then add nuvvula powder in it and stir it well.
- Take this entire mixture in to a serving bowl and have this tasty Nuvvula Undrallu by garnishing with Cashew Nuts.