Chikkudukaya Avakaya Recipe

Learn how to make Chikkudukaya Avakaya recipe at home. We can make many delicious fishes with Chikkudukaya among them chikkudukaya avakaya is one of the tasty pickle recipes which cab be stored for long duration. Here is the preparation process of chikkudukaya Avakaya. If you find this Chikkudukaya Avakaya recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Chikkudukaya Avakaya recipe, so that any one can make this Chikkudukaya Avakaya very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- Chikkudukaya chopped- 2 cups
- Tamarind juice – 1 cup
- Red chilli powder – 3 spoons
- Salt- for tate
- Oil- to fry
- Turmeric - 1pinch
- Fenugreek seeds powder - 1 tea spoon
- Mustard powder - 1 tea spoon
- Cumin seeds powder – 1 spoon Garlic – 3 to 4 cloves Red dry chillies (broken) - 3
- Tempering seeds - 1 tea spoon
- Take pan pour oil and heat it. Add chikkudukaya pieces and fry them for 4 to 5 minutes just to remove water content in them Now Take other pan pour oil and heat it Add Mustard seeds, Chenna dal, Black gram, Red dry chillies, Garlic and Turmeric into oil and fry them.
- Add Tamarind juice and Cumin seeds powder and finally add the fried chikkudukaya pieces.
- Now cook for 15 minutes till the water of tamarind juice get evaporated.
- Finally add Red chilli powder, Salt, Fenugreek seeds powder and Mustard powder and mix well.
- Store this chikkudukaya avakaya in a jar, this goes well with steamed rice.