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Tomato chops

Tomato chops
Recipe type: Pickles
Cuisine: Indian
Its a sauce made of tomato and ginger. It can be used as a side dish for all tiffin items and can also be had along with rice. Its my favorite dish which I have learnt from my mom.
  • Tomato ( Medium Size) 6 Numbers
  • Ginger Half Inch
  • Chilli Powder 2 Tablespoons
  • Turmeric Powder 1 Teaspoons
  • Salt To Taste
  • Oil Half Cup
  • Mustard 1 Teaspoons
  1. ) Grind the tomato and ginger and make it to a fine paste.
  2. ) Heat a pan on medium flame.
  3. ) Add oil when the pan in hot.
  4. ) Add mustard and when it splutters add the tomato ginger puree.
  5. ) Stirr it for few seconds.
  6. ) Add the chilli and turmeric powder.
  7. ) Add salt to taste.
  8. ) Stirr it until the oil splits from the gravy and seperates from it.
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