Pulihora Curry Recipe

EasyRecipes .
Recipe type: Curries
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
Prep time:
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Learn how to make Pulihora Curry recipe at home. Pulihora Curry is very tasty recipe, which is mostly like by the children. It can be have with the combination of rice and we can prepare it easily. If you find this Pulihora Curry recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Pulihora Curry recipe, so that any one can make this Pulihora Curry very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- Chama Dumpalu - ¼ Kg
- Cumin Seeds (Jeelakarra) - ½ spoon
- Mustard Seeds (Avalu) - 1 spoon
- Turmeric - 1 pinch
- Bengal Gram (Senaga Pappu) - 2 spoons
- Groundnuts - 5 grams
- Green Chillies - 4
- Dry Chillies - 4
- Black gram (Minappappu) - 2 spoons
- Nuvvula Powder - 1 spoon
- Inguva- 1 pinch
- Oil - 2 table spoons
- Tamarind Juice - 2 spoons
- Ginger - small piece
- Curry leaves - 2
- Salt - to taste
- Boil the chama dumpalu in water, peel the skin and keep aside.
- Heat 4 spoons of oil in a bowl by adding cumin seeds (Jeelakarra), mustard seeds (Avalu) bengal gram (Senaga Pappu), dry chillies, groundnuts, black gram (Minappappu) and stir it well until it gets fried.
- After that add turmeric, inguva, green chillies, curry leaves, and ginger pieces.
- Mix it well by adding tamarind juice and salt to it.
- Then after sometime add Nuwula powder and mix it well.
- Now turn off the stove and add chamadupa pieces and stir it well.
- Take the above mixture into a serving bowl, and your tasty Pulihora Curry is ready to eat now.