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Quick Mushroom and Capsicum Stir- Fry

Quick Mushroom and Capsicum Stir- Fry
Recipe type: Curries
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 2
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Although tasteless by itself, mushroom interleaves well with its companion ingredients, always ending up as a delicacy. Here, pungent capsicum helps enhance the taste of the curry, while pungent tabasco sauce gives a wonderful finishing touch to the quick mushrooms and capsicum stir-fry.
  • 2 cups sliced mushrooms (khumbh)
  • 1 cup capsicum cubes
  • ½ tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
  • 1 onion , sliced
  • 2 cloves of garlic (lehsun) , chopped
  • 2 green chillies , chopped
  • ¼ cup milk
  • ½ tsp plain flour (maida)
  • a dash of tabasco sauce
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • salt and to taste
  1. Heat the oil and add the cumin seeds.
  2. When they crackle, add the onion, garlic, green chillies and saute for 1 minute.
  3. Add the mushrooms and capsicum and stir for another minute.
  4. Add the milk and flour and mix well.
  5. Add the tabasco, salt and pepper and bring to a boil.
  6. Serve hot.
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