Home >> Veg Recipes >> Spinach Dal with Greengram Pesara Pappu Recipe

Spinach Dal with Greengram Pesara Pappu Recipe

Spinach Dal with Greengram Pesara Pappu Recipe
Recipe type: Curries
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
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Learn how to make Spinach Dal with Greengram Pesara Pappu recipe at home. Tasty and healthy dish by Hemalatha Sadu If you find this Spinach Dal with Greengram Pesara Pappu recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Spinach Dal with Greengram Pesara Pappu recipe, so that any one can make this Spinach Dal with Greengram Pesara Pappu very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
  • 1 cup Green gram
  • 1 pkt spinach
  • 2 onions
  • 2 Green chillies
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Tamarind - small lemon size
  • 2 tbsp Red chilly powder
  • oil
  • 1 tsp avalu
  • 1 dry red chillies
  • 1 tbsp minapappu-
  • Curry leaves and Cilantro - a few
  1. )First wash the dal.
  2. ) Cut oinions and green chillies.
  3. ) Then cook dal with spinach,onions and green chilies, little turmeric powder in a pressure cooker until u get 10-12 whistles. or Soak the dal in hot water for atleast 2 hrs prior cooking and reduce the no of whistles.
  4. )In the mean time, soak the tamarind in hot water and prepare tamarind paste.
  5. )Cool the dhal for sometime and mash it until u get desired consistency.
  6. ) Now put a bowl on the stove with enough oil and heat it.
  7. ) First fry garlic cloves until they are light brown, and add the ingredients for seasoning.
  8. ) Then add cooked dal to the saesoning. Stir them for a while.Now add tamarind paste, chily powder, enough salt. Garnish with cilantro. Tastes so good with rice as well as with chapathi.
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